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Job Search Depression & What to Do About It

And if you’ve been committed to it, you’ve logged a lot of hours and poured a lot of energy into the process. So, when an offer comes in for a job that doesn’t match https://remotemode.net/blog/job-search-depression-exists-and-it-has-to-be-addressed/ what you set out to find, part of you may want to accept it just so the process can be over with. “Make sure you’re networking and building relationships.

job hunting depression

Look rather for the Pepper Potts around you to support you in this chapter of your life. Find out if there are job skills training programs in your state. Resources available for people who are unemployed can help you build new skills to make you more competitive on the job market. A good starting point is the state department responsible for unemployment benefits.

There are proven ways to deal with job search depression

Fear and anxiety will not help your job hunting prospects and will certainly not help your psychological and emotional well being. If you don’t get that dream job you applied for, have a plan ready to pick yourself up. Focus on what you can learn from that experience rather than feeling rejected.

How do I stop being discouraged job hunting?

  1. Acknowledge This First: Job Search Anxiety and Depression Are Real.
  2. Treat Looking for a Job as if It's Your Actual Job.
  3. Manage Your Headspace in This Period of Job Search Anxiety.
  4. Stay Connected with Your Immediate Circle.

So when you are experiencing depression or anxiety during your job search, how can you cope? There are proven ways to deal with job hunting depression. There is a clear link between unemployment and mental health. And depression is about three times higher among the unemployed than the employed, according to a CDC study. Some people experience job loss similarly to grief, going through the stages of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Adrian Lindblad, a recent graduate, describes the job search process as “demoralizing”, stating that the frequent rejection makes him feel like, “there is something fundamentally wrong with me”.

How To Overcome Job Search Depression

Particularly when looking for a new job is unexpected or undesired, as in a layoff, the psychological stakes raise. Psychological disorders are often portrayed as all-consuming and incapacitating, and this is often the case. People with functional depression, on the other hand, get up every day, dress, go to work or school, and often appear to be doing well on the outside while suffering on the inside. ❌ Ignoring soft skills in a CV might lead to missed opportunities. Ask for help, especially if you notice any health problems that go with a bad mood. Substance abuse and thoughts about self-harm also indicate that you need to reach out to a professional therapist.

  • We are here to provide you with insights into how to leverage your current skills and market your knowledge outside of academia, and to connect you with PhDs working in industry.
  • In this instance, it’s hard not to feel hopeless about your job search.
  • Order takeout and binge your favorite show to help you relax and unwind.
  • Let’s face it; the job search is full of self-esteem roadblocks that can make anyone feel like a loser.
  • Students, people who want to change careers, or those who are looking for better job prospects often stress out or even get depressed while searching for a job.
  • Your job search is a unique window of opportunity to make some out-of-the-box applications and see what happens.
  • The idea is to feel good about what you’ve achieved and feel like you’re moving forward.

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